I am a professionally designated accountant in Sundre who made it my mission to provide excellent client service for years.

Valerie L. Burrell CPA, CA
Founder Valerie L. Burrell
Professional Corporation
Cell: 403-638-0044
I operated my public accounting firm from 1999 until the sale of the firm in January 2023.
I was an Associate Partner with Ascend LLP until July 2024.
I have retired from public accounting and wish all of my former clients, many who became friends, all the best for their future.

Teena Gerry
Accounting Technician,
Internal Accounting
(on leave)
Teena joined our team in July 2011.
Teena has a diversified background starting her career in accounting but then choosing a career as an educational assistant while her children were growing.
Teena originally grew up in Mannville, AB but currently resides in Olds.

Tiffany Sperling
Data Processing &
Accounting Technician
Tiffany has worked in a few different public accounting firms and is pursuing her accounting education through Athabasca University.
Tiffany grew up in northern Alberta and now resides in Olds where she enjoys spending time with her family.
Tiffany joined our team in September 2014.

Becky Kaiser
Office Administrator
Becky joined our team in September 2009.
Becky's quick smile welcomes you in as she expertly considers your needs and directs you to the right team member.
Becky was raised in the Sundre area and has settled down here.

Tanya Lemon, MSE
Data Processing &
Accounting Technician
Tanya joined our team in September 2013.
Tanya has a Masters of Science degree in Engineering from Moscow Mining University and a Business Management Certificate from SAIT.
Tanya grew up in Russia but moved to Alberta where she has settled with her family.

Krista Codner
Office Administration
Krista joined our team in March 2023.
Krista has an Executive Office Administration Diploma from the College of the North Atlantic.
Krista grew up in Corner Brook, Newfoundland but recently settled down in Sundre.

Thank you to Image by Maila for these amazing photos.
Check out her photos at